Monday, February 11, 2008

Why Did She Have To Say, "Wow, You Look Great!"

As you can see from my post yesterday, I have made it a priority to be a better planner this week. Well, tonight I made Polenta Lasagna for dinner and it should last for at least another meal and maybe even a lunch. Yeah! I will post the recipe soon. It was really good and fairly low in points compared to regular lasagna. I wasn't expecting much but it turned out really well. My husband is an extreme polenta lover and when we came across this Merchant Foods Organic Polenta at the grocery store, he begged and I gave in. I have bought it a couple times now and I am starting to be a fan. The nutritional information is great and it actually tastes good.

So, food wise, it was an okay day. Used some flex points which I really didn't want to but I did and now I'm moving on. Tuesday is another day and I am saying goodbye to Monday, February 11, 2008.

I had a friend who I hadn't seen in about five months say to me today, "Wow, you look great!" Why did she have to say that? I don't feel like I look great. I feel like I'm still packing around 5 lb of extra Christmas grazing weight. Of course, I, just like Katieo, in her post about Should I Stay or Should I Go? then said to myself, "What do I need to lose a few pounds for? She said I look great." Also the reason for the use of flex points. She said I look great, you know. Well, the reason is simple. I need to feel better about myself. Yes, let me say it again. I need to feel better about myself. There, I've said it.

Does this ever happen to you and then you have second thoughts about your weight loss efforts and sabotage a great day???

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